Wycliff sponsored brothers complete 105 mile Coast to Coast Challenge!

Monday 20 September 2021

Wycliff are proud to have sponsored brothers Matthew and Justin Heymans who have recently completed a Coast to Coast Rat Race across the Scottish Highlands on the 11th-12th September. Travelling a total of 105 miles on foot, bike, and kayak and raising over £1100 for the charity Children with Cancer UK in the process.

The event consisted of travelling past some of the Scottish Highlands' most famous landmarks, such as Cawdor Castle, Loch Ness, Fort William, Ben Nevis, and Loch Leven. More information on this challenge can be found here.

Every day 12 families in the UK receive the devastating news that their child has cancer. Through funding vital specialist research, Children with Cancer UK has done everything in its power to give these children the best chance to survive. Children with Cancer UK can fund over 60 research projects across the UK accelerating breakthroughs to help drive up childhood cancer survival rates and find kinder, more effective treatments to reduce long-term side effects.

Their donation page is still live, so if you would like to contribute to this incredible cause, then please do so using this link.

We at Wycliff Services are very proud of Matthew and Justin and we are happy we were able to support this incredible challenge!

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